An act of sabotage leaves Edward’s father trapped inside a virtual reality game, Extropia. In a desperate bid to save him, Edward follows, entering a world he knows he might never leave. A world of artificially intelligent beings, subjected to a life of misery and fear in the name of entertainment.
Now one of them has learned of the real world, and is determined to have his revenge…
"A rip-roaring sci-fi thriller and chilling imagining of the future of artificial intelligence"
- Rashid Razaq, The London Evening Standard
"Original, fast-paced, gripping - but also, that rare thing - a sci-fi thriller with heart"
- Philip Wooderson, Acropolis
"Robin Bootle has given the devil an update and located him in cyberspace.
A rapid plot with intriguing twists and turns"
- Brian Keaney, Jacob's Ladder
"For those missing Katniss, the Divergents and the Maze Runners,
this must be your next book"
- Emmy Award winning film director, Johnny Burke
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About the author
Robin was born in Athens, not long before the 1981 earthquake. As a boy he lived in Chennai (India) and Hampshire (UK) before moving to Mauritius at the age of nine, the paradise island to which he still returns every year. He has since lived in New Zealand & France, and is now settled in Crouch End, London, with his wife, Kate.
Extropia: Mind Game is his debut novel.